Since neither have I nor the other officers had time to update our past meetings, I shall do it all NOW.
Here's the list of music we played the past couple of weeks. *NOT IN ORDER
We also had a few cultural lessons that I cannot remember of at the moment.
We introduced our list of music we would be performing at international week.
Wonder Girls - Be My Baby
BAP - Warrior
BoA - Only One
and a secret song.
Korean exchange students came from Anyang to tour our school. They were all so nice! They're not that different from us. They also sleep in class, and love to play around with their friends as much as us. There were Kpop fans and just crazy about them as we are. It was grat to hang out with them during first to third period. They left the following Sunday, but they had lots of fun experiencing America and California for themselves. We want to congratulate those who are able to go to Korea during spring break for the Exchange Student Program. We hope you have lots of fun!

Monique Nguyen
Korean Club President

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