"Na-wa hamke chum!" was the phrase we taught this week.  It mean "Let's dance together!"

It's that time of the year again!  Yes, we on our way toward preparing for International Week!
After a lot of discussion (and "heartbreaking moments"), we, officers, have put together a list of songs that are going to be in the show.

1. Brown Eyed Girls - Abracadabra
2. BoA - Only One
3. B.A.P - Warrior

Plus two other "secret" songs (not available for sign-ups) that will be revealed later to the performers.

IMPORTANT UPDATE NOT MENTIONED IN THE MEETING: UNFORTUNATELY, due to lack of interest, officers are in the progress of changing the song Abracadabra (possibly replacing it). We will announce any changes made in the next meeting.

You can still sign up for International Week through personal-messaging on Facebook OR sign up directly at meetings OR provide your information on a piece of paper and hand it to an officer! Yes, you can still make changes but the deadline for everyone is on DECEMBER 18th, Tuesday 11:59PM.

[Sign-Up Form]
- Name:
- Grade:
- Song Choices: 

. You MUST be a member to participate in International Week. We will be checking. (And yes, you can still apply for membership by paying $3 and submitting your application to any officer at your own convenience.)
. Please do not learn the songs you have signed up for. This will make teaching the song easier for the officers and prevent conflicts from occurring.
. If you want to make any changes to your choices, personal message our Facebook or by telling officers at the meeting which song you want to change. (Example: I would like to change Only One to Warrior for my top choice.) 
. You do not have to pick two songs if you would only like one.
. Seniors do get priority.
. Between MAMA and Warrior, you can only choose either-or, but you CAN put both as your two choices.
. Please take note that officers have a set limit number of people for each dance so not everyone will be getting their top choice.
. More information next week!

Aside from all the International Week fun, we featured two music videos of the week: 

Park Gyuri's (KARA) Daydream 

NELL's White Night
We also had our yearbook club pictures taken on Thursday!
(And let just have a moment  to celebrate the number of males we have in the club this year /wipe tears/)

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